Chapter 3. Django Models and Database

Django Models – DateField with datetime Module

Django Models – DateField with datetime Module

For database management, you may want to record the data registration date. The easiest way to set a timestamp is using the auto_now_add argument in DateField. However, when you use auto_now_argument=True, the field becomes uneditable and is not shown on the Django admin page. In this lesson, we'll explain how to make a date timestamp which is editable and is shown in the Django admin page.

There are three points to implement it.

  • Import the datetime module: To use the today function, you need to import the datetime module first.
  • Add a field using DateField type: To store the date in date format, use DateField.
  • Add the default option using the today function: Add the default option with the today function as the default value


Add an editable data registration date

In this practice, we'll explain how to add the data registration date as one of the date fields.

1. Edit

Edit the Employee model in, covering the following points:

  • Import the datetime module
  • Add a field using the DateField type
  • Add the default option using the today function
  • Add the verbose_name option with "Data Registration Date" as a value. This is used for making the data field name more explicit in browsers.

The yellow line is the additional code.

from django.db import models
import datetime

class Employee(models.Model):

    PRIORITIES=[('H','High'), ('M','Medium'), ('L','Low'),]

    name=models.CharField(max_length=25, verbose_name="Employee Name")
    priority=models.CharField(max_length=1, choices=PRIORITIES, default="M", verbose_name="Learning Priorities")
    reg_date=models.DateField(, verbose_name="Data Registration Date")

    def __str__(self):

2. Execute the changes in the database and check the admin site

Run the three usual commands and go to the Django admin site.

Command Line - INPUT
python makemigrations employee_learning
python migrate
python runserver

You can confirm that the data registration date is reflected in the Employee model. After this step, the date will be amended to the data registeration date.


Note: When you add this date field to an existing model with data records, the data entry time will be equivalent to the time you added the date field. For the existing records, you need to adjust the date field manually.

For database management, you may want to record the data registration date. The easiest way to set a timestamp is using the auto_now_add argument in DateField. However, when you use auto_now_argument=True, the field becomes uneditable and is not shown on the Django admin page. In this lesson, we'll explain how to make a date timestamp which is editable and is shown in the Django admin page.

There are three points to implement it.

  • Import the datetime module: To use the today function, you need to import the datetime module first.
  • Add a field using DateField type: To store the date in date format, use DateField.
  • Add the default option using the today function: Add the default option with the today function as the default value


Add an editable data registration date

In this practice, we'll explain how to add the data registration date as one of the date fields.

1. Edit

Edit the Employee model in, covering the following points:

  • Import the datetime module
  • Add a field using the DateField type
  • Add the default option using the today function
  • Add the verbose_name option with "Data Registration Date" as a value. This is used for making the data field name more explicit in browsers.

The yellow line is the additional code.

from django.db import models
import datetime

class Employee(models.Model):

    PRIORITIES=[('H','High'), ('M','Medium'), ('L','Low'),]

    name=models.CharField(max_length=25, verbose_name="Employee Name")
    priority=models.CharField(max_length=1, choices=PRIORITIES, default="M", verbose_name="Learning Priorities")
    reg_date=models.DateField(, verbose_name="Data Registration Date")

    def __str__(self):

2. Execute the changes in the database and check the admin site

Run the three usual commands and go to the Django admin site.

Command Line - INPUT
python makemigrations employee_learning
python migrate
python runserver

You can confirm that the data registration date is reflected in the Employee model. After this step, the date will be amended to the data registeration date.


Note: When you add this date field to an existing model with data records, the data entry time will be equivalent to the time you added the date field. For the existing records, you need to adjust the date field manually.
