Designing, Building and Publishing Websites
Creating a website from scratch without using a CMS (Content Management System) like WordPress involves three essential steps: designing, building, and publishing. Each step plays a crucial role in transforming your ideas into a functional and accessible website.
1. Designing a website
The first step for website development is designing a website. Objectives and target audiences need to be clearly defined before designing a website. Based on the objectives and target audiences, you need to build a sitemap or user journey and design wireframes. Designing a mockup and prototype is a common practice in website design, and it makes designers’ ideas more concrete.
2. Building a website (coding a website)
This step is to convert a website design (mockup or prototype) into an actual website. HTML and CSS, which are the main themes of this course, are key languages for coding a website. To build a more dynamic and advanced website, you can also use JavaScript, which is covered in another course. Frameworks or libraries are often used to standardize sets of code to make coding more efficient.
3. Publishing a website
The website developed on your local computer is not publicly available yet. To publish your website, you need to prepare the infrastructure necessary to host your website. There are several ways to publish your website. The most popular approach these days is hosting a website using public cloud services.
We’ll briefly explain each step in this chapter and deep dive into how to code websites using HTML and CSS in the following chapters.