Chapter 16. CSS: Styling Lists

Chapter 16. CSS: Styling Lists

Chapter 16. CSS: Styling Lists

A list is a frequently used HTML element. A list in HTML has a particular layered structure (<ol> or <ul> with <li>), and there are specific CSS properties to manage the list styling.

In this chapter, we'll cover basic ones. There are further advanced techniques for decorating lists. We'll cover them in the next course (HTML & CSS Intermediate).

The following topics are covered in this chapter.


A list is a frequently used HTML element. A list in HTML has a particular layered structure (<ol> or <ul> with <li>), and there are specific CSS properties to manage the list styling.

In this chapter, we'll cover basic ones. There are further advanced techniques for decorating lists. We'll cover them in the next course (HTML & CSS Intermediate).

The following topics are covered in this chapter.
