Chapter 19. Publishing Websites

In this chapter, we will explore the essential steps and considerations for publishing a website. Publishing a website involves a few key stages, including selecting a platform, setting up a server, and registering a domain. By the end of this chapter, you’ll understand how to publish your website to make it accessible online, whether you are using a hosting platform like GitHub Pages or a custom domain name.
What We Cover in This Chapter
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Key Steps for Publishing Websites
Publishing a website typically involves three main steps: selecting a platform or infrastructure service, setting up a web server, and registering a domain. The choice of platform will determine the complexity of the setup process. In this section, we will give you overviews of the key steps for publishing websites.
Domain and DNS Server
When you first deploy your website, it may be accessible via an IP address, but using an IP address for a website is not ideal for users. Instead, we use domain names to make the website address easier to remember. This section will explain the importance of domain names and how DNS servers work.
A favicon is a small icon that appears in the browser tab or as a bookmark icon, making your website easily recognizable. In this section, we’ll explain the importance of favicons for website identification and provide step-by-step instructions on how to create, save, and implement a favicon using tools like
GitHub Pages
GitHub Pages is a free web hosting service that allows you to easily publish static websites directly from a GitHub repository. This section covers the entire process of setting up a website on GitHub Pages, including creating a GitHub account, uploading project files, and configuring the repository for deployment. We’ll also explain how to update your website and make sure it remains accessible after changes.
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