CRUD Web Application
CRUD is the acronym for Create, Read, Update, and Delete. The four functions represent the minimum operations used in database applications.
- Create (C): Creates new data records in the system. For example, in blog applications, bloggers post their blog articles, and the system registers the posted article.
- Read (R): Read (retrieves) existing data records in the system. For example, the system retrieves posted articles to display them.
- Update (U): Updates existing data records. For example, bloggers update their posted blog articles, and the system updates the records.
- Delete (D): Deletes existing data records from the system. For example, bloggers delete their posted blog articles, and the system removes the records.
CRUD in web applications
In web applications, the CRUD concept is executed through web pages. For example:
- Content editors go to the content posting page (Create Page) to post their content.
- The posted content can be read by users on a list-style page with a list of many content items (List Page) or a particular content page (Detail Page).
- When content editors want to edit or delete the existing content, they can edit or delete it on the Update Page or Delete Page.