Chapter 4. User, Group and Permission

Useradd (Add User)

Useradd (Add User)

The useradd command is used to create a new user. Usually, the useradd command comes with the -m option, which can create the home directory for the new user under the path of /home with the user name. To run this command, you need to run it with superuser privileges.

Create a new user with its home directory

Adding a user is a privilege of the superuser. When you run the command, you need to run it as root or with the sudo command. If you run the command as a normal user without sudo, you'll see a permission error like the one below.

Command Line - INPUT
useradd user_a
Command Line - RESPONSE
useradd: Permission denied.
useradd: cannot lock /etc/passwd; try again later.

To create a new user, switch to the superuser and run the useradd command. Use the -m option to create the home directory for the new user.

Command Line - INPUT
sudo su -
useradd -m user_a

Check the user data

The user data is recorded under the /etc/passwd file. To check the file, run the following command.

Command Line - INPUT
cat /etc/passwd

You can see that a new user is added at the bottom of the file.

Command Line - RESPONSE
systemd-coredump:x:999:999:systemd Core Dumper:/:/usr/sbin/nologin

In this file, the following information is covered (left to right):

  1. user name
  2. user password (x) (actual encrypted user passwords are saved in a different file named /etc/shadow)
  3. user ID
  4. primary group ID
  5. user comment or full name (it's blank in the example above)
  6. user's home directory
  7. login shell path

You can also use the grep command to see only the necessary part of the user data. For example, what we need to know is the user data which has a string with "user" in it. Run the following command to get the data.

Command Line - INPUT
grep user /etc/passwd

You'll get the result like the one below.

Command Line - RESPONSE


There are several options for the useradd command. You can use these options to customize user data.

  • -u: specify user ID
  • -g: specify primary group ID
  • -c: specify user’s comment
  • -s: specify login shell
  • -d: specify home directory path

Practice (1): Create new users

For practice purposes, let's create three users: user_a, user_b, and user_c. First, switch to the superuser.

Command Line - INPUT
sudo su

Run the useradd commands three times.

Command Line - INPUT
useradd -m user_a
useradd -m user_b
useradd -m user_c

Check the user data with the grep command.

Command Line - INPUT
grep user /etc/passwd

You'll see that three user accounts have been created.

Command Line - RESPONSE

Practice (2): Switch to a new user

You can further switch to another user by running the su command. To switch to user_a, run the command below.

Command Line - INPUT
su - user_a

You can see that # changed to $ as you are back to the normal user. Also, you can see that the home directory has changed to the user_a directory by running the pwd command.

Command Line - INPUT
Command Line - RESPONSE

To go back to the ubuntu user, use the exit command twice as shown below.

Command Line - INPUT
Command Line - RESPONSE

The useradd command is used to create a new user. Usually, the useradd command comes with the -m option, which can create the home directory for the new user under the path of /home with the user name. To run this command, you need to run it with superuser privileges.

Create a new user with its home directory

Adding a user is a privilege of the superuser. When you run the command, you need to run it as root or with the sudo command. If you run the command as a normal user without sudo, you'll see a permission error like the one below.

Command Line - INPUT
useradd user_a
Command Line - RESPONSE
useradd: Permission denied.
useradd: cannot lock /etc/passwd; try again later.

To create a new user, switch to the superuser and run the useradd command. Use the -m option to create the home directory for the new user.

Command Line - INPUT
sudo su -
useradd -m user_a

Check the user data

The user data is recorded under the /etc/passwd file. To check the file, run the following command.

Command Line - INPUT
cat /etc/passwd

You can see that a new user is added at the bottom of the file.

Command Line - RESPONSE
systemd-coredump:x:999:999:systemd Core Dumper:/:/usr/sbin/nologin

In this file, the following information is covered (left to right):

  1. user name
  2. user password (x) (actual encrypted user passwords are saved in a different file named /etc/shadow)
  3. user ID
  4. primary group ID
  5. user comment or full name (it's blank in the example above)
  6. user's home directory
  7. login shell path

You can also use the grep command to see only the necessary part of the user data. For example, what we need to know is the user data which has a string with "user" in it. Run the following command to get the data.

Command Line - INPUT
grep user /etc/passwd

You'll get the result like the one below.

Command Line - RESPONSE


There are several options for the useradd command. You can use these options to customize user data.

  • -u: specify user ID
  • -g: specify primary group ID
  • -c: specify user’s comment
  • -s: specify login shell
  • -d: specify home directory path

Practice (1): Create new users

For practice purposes, let's create three users: user_a, user_b, and user_c. First, switch to the superuser.

Command Line - INPUT
sudo su

Run the useradd commands three times.

Command Line - INPUT
useradd -m user_a
useradd -m user_b
useradd -m user_c

Check the user data with the grep command.

Command Line - INPUT
grep user /etc/passwd

You'll see that three user accounts have been created.

Command Line - RESPONSE

Practice (2): Switch to a new user

You can further switch to another user by running the su command. To switch to user_a, run the command below.

Command Line - INPUT
su - user_a

You can see that # changed to $ as you are back to the normal user. Also, you can see that the home directory has changed to the user_a directory by running the pwd command.

Command Line - INPUT
Command Line - RESPONSE

To go back to the ubuntu user, use the exit command twice as shown below.

Command Line - INPUT
Command Line - RESPONSE
