What Is OS?

Understanding the Role of Operating Systems

The OS (operating system) is the most critical software on the computer. The OS controls hardware and software resources on the computer. The OS provides multitasking capabilities to the computer so that users can manage multiple applications simultaneously. There are several functionalities an OS can provide. Here are some key OS functionalities.

Process Management

Multiple applications are running on the computer simultaneously. The OS can handle various jobs of each application and the OS itself. Through the OS, you can launch, control, and exit applications.

Device Management

The OS manages I/O (Input and Output) of the hardware. It receives requests from the devices, handles tasks based on the requests, and communicates back to the devices.

File Management

The OS keeps track of information about the creation, deletion, transfer, copy, and storage of files in an organized way. It also maintains the integrity of the data stored in these files, including the file directory structure.

Security Management

The OS assures the integrity and confidentiality of user data by protecting the computer resources against unauthorized access, detecting and removing computer viruses, etc.

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