Normal Mode (4) – Undo and Redo
When you reverse your action, you can use the undo command by pressing the u key. If you want to do the same action (reverse undo action), use the redo command by pressing the Ctrl + r key.
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Chapter 2. Linux Key Commands
Setting Up Linux Environment on AWS
pwd (Print Working Directory)
cd (Change Directory)
ls (List Contents of Directory)
mkdir (Make Directory)
rmdir (Remove Directory)
touch (Create File)
rm (Remove File)
mv (Move File and Directory)
cp (Copy File and Directory)
cat (Display File Content)
sort (Sort File Contents)
grep (Global Regular Expression Print)
Regular Expression
find (Find File and Directory)
ln (Create Link to File and Directory)
Chapter 3. Vim Editor
What Is Vim and How to Launch It?
Normal, Insert and Visual Mode
Normal Mode (1) – Move Cursor
Normal Mode (2) – Delete
Normal Mode (3) – Copy and Paste
Normal Mode (4) – Undo and Redo
Normal Mode (5) – Search Phrase
Normal Mode (6) – Replace Phrase
Normal Mode (7) – Save and Exit
Insert Mode
Visual Mode
Chapter 4. User, Group and Permission
What Are User, Group And Permission in Linux?
Permission (Access Mode) by Owner Status
Superuser (Root User) vs. Normal User
sudo (Run Command with Superuser Privileges)
su (Switch User)
useradd (Add User)
passwd (Set Password)
userdel (Delete User)
Group – Primary Group and Secondary Group
groupadd (Add Group)
usermod (Modify User Account Information)
gpasswd (Add and Delete Users to Group)
groupdel (Delete Group)
chown (Change Owner of File and Directory)
chgrp (Change Group of File and Directory)
chmod (Change Access Mode)
chmod Command with Numbers
w and who (Check Current User Login Status)
id and groups (Check User ID and Group)
getent (Display User and Group Data)
Chapter 5. Redirection, Pipe and Shell Script
Standard Input Output and Redirection
Pipe (Combine Commands)
less (Display Content with Pager)
tr (Replace Characters)
cut (Extract Data Sections)
uniq (Extract Unique Data Lines)
Shell Script
echo (Echo input)
read (Read and Store Input)
Shell Variable and Environmental Variable
source (Execute Shell Script and Refresh Environmental Variables)
Chapter 7. SSH Remote Connection
SSH (Secure Shell)
Locate .ssh Directory
SSH Remote Login (1) – Use Key Pair Generated by Server
SSH Remote Login (2) – Use Key Pair Generated by Client
SSH Config File
SSH Remote Login with Visual Studio Code
SCP (Secure Copy Protocol)
SCP with SSH Config File
SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol)
Other File Transfer Commands
Chapter 8. Linux Process Management
Process and Job
Foreground and Background Jobs
jobs and ps (Display Jobs and Processes)
Create, Stop and Terminate Jobs
Daemon Processes
What Is Service on Linux?
Unit File
Systemctl Sub-Commands
Create Custom Unit and Start at Boot
UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall)
Web Server
Launch Apache Web Server
When you reverse your action, you can use the undo command by pressing the u key. If you want to do the same action (reverse undo action), use the redo command by pressing the Ctrl + r key.