What Is Git?

Git is a free and open-source distributed version control system. Git is often used with remote repository services such as GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket.
Git vs GitHub
Git and GitHub are often explained together, however, they are different things. Git is a version control system while GitHub is a repository service provided by GitHub, Inc. Typically, remote repository services also offer task management features besides collaborative coding features. For example, GitHub provides Git Issues that allow you to input tasks and share them with your team. GitHub or other remote repository services can also integrate with other services for workflow automation.
Git and remote repository services like GitHub typically provide three key features.
Key features of Git and remote repository services
- Version Control: Using Git, you can record, track, and retrieve your coding histories.
- Collaborative Coding: On Git and remote repository services, you can share your code, get others’ codes, and work as a team.
- Task Management & Automation: Most Git remote repository services provide additional features to manage tasks and automate workflow such as auto deployment.