Project Member – Start Project As Collaborator

Starting a Project as a Collaborator with Git & GitHub

On this page, we'll explain how a project member gains access to the project Remote Repository and starts a project on their local computer.

There are two key steps that you need to do as a project member.

  1. Obtain Remote Repository access from the owner of the Remote Repository.
    • First, the owner of the Remote Repository needs to invite you to gain access to the Remote Repository.
    • The invitation will be sent to your email. By accepting the invitation, you'll get access to the Remote Repository.
  2. Create a copy of the project files in the Remote Repository on your local computer.
    • Once you get access to the Remote Repository, you can transfer the project directory in the Remote Repository to your local computer.
    • To transfer the project directory, run the git clone command on your local computer.
    • The command also creates a Local Repository that is connected to the Remote Repository so that you can start to interact with the Remote Repository from the command line on your computer.

We have a practice section that covers the steps above on the next topic page.
