Fork vs. Clone

Understanding Fork vs. Clone in Git & GitHub

Fork and Clone are often confused with each other. Here we’ll give a quick summary of those two concepts.


Fork is a feature provided by GitHub used to create a replica of a Remote Repository on GitHub. After implementing Fork, the replicated repository will be separated from the original repository. You can modify codes in the replicated repository on your own without permission from the owners of the original repository (within the software license agreement, if any).

Fork is not a git command. It is executed on the GitHub web-based platform. Go to the GitHub site and find the repository which you want to create a replica of. There is a Fork button on the Remote Repository page. Press the Fork button to implement Fork.


Clone is used to create a local copy of a Remote Repository. To implement Clone, you need to run git clone with the Remote Repository name and the URL of the Remote Repository. When the command is executed, the project directory with a Local Repository is created in the current working directory where you run the command. The Local Repository is linked with the Remote Repository so that you can control the interactions between the Local Repository and the Remote Repository through the command line.