Chapter 3. Git & GitHub Project Setup

Initiating Git & GitHub Project

To initiate a project with Git and GitHub, you need to create Local and Remote Repositories that will be used to save your coding and share your codes with others.

At this step, you’ll also need to connect the Local Repository with the Remote Repository. Depending on your project situation, the project setup approach can be different.

In this chapter, we'll explain the project setup approaches in the three cases below:

  • Case 1. As a project initiator (owner)
  • Case 2. As a project member (collaborator)
  • Case 3. As a non-project member (creating a new project using a copy of an existing project)

Topics covered in this chapter are the following.

Lessons in this chapter

  1. Three Cases in Git & GitHub Project Setup
  2. Git & GitHub Project Setup Overview in Different Cases
  3. Building Remote Collaboration Practice Environment
  4. Project Initiator – Key Steps To Launch Git Project
  5. Project Initiator – Create Local Repository (git init)
  6. Project Initiator – Make the First Commit
  7. Project Initiator – .gitignore File
  8. Project Initiator – Create Remote Repository
  9. Project Initiator – Link Between Remote and Local Repositories (git remote add)
  10. Project Initiator – Upload Local Repository to Remote Repository (git push)
  11. Project Initiator – Grant Remote Repository Access to Project Members
  12. Project Member – Start Project As Collaborator
  13. Project Member – Create Copy of Project Code on Local Computer (git clone)
  14. Non-Member – Start Project With Replica of Existing Repository (Fork)
  15. Fork vs. Clone